Discover the Breathtaking Beauty of Xinjiang: Must-Visit Destinations in Northern Xinjiang

Xinjiang Kanas

Missing Kanas in September

Is like missing the entire autumn!

Autumn in Kanas

Is like God’s overturned palette,

Full of vibrant colors, offering a visual feast at every turn.

Xinjiang Hemu

China’s First Village

The largest and most remote of the three remaining Tuvan villages

Houses built of logs exude a primitive charm.

In autumn, the mesmerizing colors of the mountains and the rising smoke create a fairyland-like scene.

Every household raises cattle and horses, with fences for the animals to graze.

The wooden houses, mountains, grasslands, blue skies, white clouds, rain, and snow,

All come together to form serene and peaceful pictures.

Xinjiang Urho Ghost City

The World Ghost City

This is a typical Yardang landform,

Where bizarre giant stone pillars rise from the Gobi Desert.

At sunset, the scene truly evokes the feeling of “a solitary smoke rises straight from the desert.”

Though desolate, the desert is undeniably awe-inspiring.

Xinjiang Nalati Grassland

The “Monet Garden” of Xinjiang

Nalati, meaning “the place that sees the sun first.”

This is an “aerial grassland” with forests, streams, and snow-capped mountains,

So beautiful it resembles a fairyland.

Xinjiang Tianchi

A paradise on earth, the Heavenly Mirror Pool, the palace of the Queen Mother of the West

One of China’s top ten most beautiful lakes, also listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site

Tianchi, known in ancient times as “Yaochi,” also known as “Ice Pool,” “Divine Pool,” “Dragon Abyss,” and “Dragon Pool.”

She lies nestled in the embrace of mountains like a shy maiden, a perfect example of a glacial moraine lake.

Xinjiang Rainbow Beach

On the north bank of the Irtysh River, a Yardang landform

At sunset, the afterglow reflects on the colorful terrain, creating a breathtaking scene.

Xinjiang Koktokay

Once a mysterious town that could not even be found on the map

The beryllium used in China’s first atomic bomb,

The lithium for the first hydrogen bomb,

The cesium for the first artificial satellite, and the tantalum and niobium for the first nuclear submarine joint experiments all came from Koktokay.

A golden poem in the birch forest.

Xinjiang Bayanbulak

A journey to seek the dream of the Nine-Bend Sunset

Standing high and gazing far,

You can see rivers winding across the grassland,

Forming one beautiful bend after another.

Here, at sunset,

The sun reflects in each bend of the river,

Creating the illusion of multiple suns.

Xinjiang Duku Highway

The section of National Highway 217 from Dushanzi to Kuqa,

Connecting the north and south of Xinjiang on the southern section of National Highway 217,

Is acclaimed as “China’s most beautiful highway.”

Along the way, you experience the scenery of all four seasons.

Due to weather conditions, it is only open for about four months each year.

Xinjiang Sayram Lake

The Last Tear of the Atlantic

A cold, slightly saline lake,

It is Xinjiang’s highest and largest alpine lake.

Urumqi. International Grand Bazaar, Xinjiang Museum

When you visit a province, you must see its capital.

At the International Grand Bazaar, experience local customs, cuisine, and take photos with the Xinjiang Special Police.

At the museum, immerse yourself in the rich history and culture of the region.

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